FIA Formula 1 World Championship - Season 1998: Results

FIA Formula 1 World Championship - Season 1998 Typ 1 Info

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Results: FIA Formula 1 World Championship - Season 1998

No. | Driver
1 | J.VilleneuveInfo 5.451077R64106135610543711633636R2R9866
2 | H.FrentzenInfo 7.633569851385R7R8156R7R10975941277555
Scuderia Ferrari                 
3 | M.SchumacherInfo 2.3R432132334103121214395314R11121-
4 | E.IrvineInfo 4.846843436R7383425384685R5R522442
Benetton Formula1                 
5 | G.FisichellaInfo 9.7R7610710R4R3242991051R87887R11846108
6 | A.WurzInfo 8.11754845R546R114105114179711916R11R7R8799
7 | D.CoulthardInfo 3.22221611222R1R364R1422222274R5333
8 | M.HakkinenInfo 1.1111322R11112R13123111161R343121
Jordan GP                 
9 | Da.HillInfo 6.10811dq98710R8R15810R7R7R15754443114610984
10 | R.SchumacherInfo 10.9R8R5R97111116R5R616216954610982636R7R
Prost Grand Prix                 
11 | O.PanisInfo 2199R1515R1311R1216R18R15R161122R10R1615201215R9R15121311
12 | J.TrulliInfo 16.15R12R161116R16910R14R12R14R1610141216R136101314R1412R
Sauber F1 Team                 
14 | J.AlesiInfo 11.12R15911512614101112R9R1178R2R1110117103851110127
15 | J.HerbertInfo 15.56141112R11R779712R1389R18812R151012R15R13R1110
Arrows Grand Prix                 
16 | P.DinizInfo 14.20R22R18R18R15R126199171412R13R18R121116520R17R18R
17 | M.SaloInfo 13.16R20R17R14917R8417R191313R6R171413R18R16R161415R
Stewart Grand Prix                 
18 | R.BarrichelloInfo 12.14R13R141017R9514R135141016R5R13R14R14R1310121116R
19 | J.MagnussenInfo 17.18R161022R20R181217R206-
19 | J.VerstappenInfo -
Tyrrell Racing                 
20 | R.RossetInfo 19R21R211422R22nq22nq22818R20R221222nq22nq20R181222R22nq
21 | T.TakagiInfo 13R17R131215R2113201116R20R17920R1513181419R199191617R
Minardi F1 Team                 
22 | S.NakanoInfo 22R18R191321R20141991872117R198211120R191521821R201520R
23 | E.TueroInfo 17R19R20R198191521R21R22R18R19R211621R22R221121R21R
No. | Driver

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