Season |
Team / Series / Class |
Driver / Races / Standings |
2011 |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Eric Dermont , 17. 8 of 12 races |
Andre-Alain Corbel , 19. 8 of 12 races |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Serie |
Lucas Lasserre , 14. 8 of 12 races 2 Wins |
Didier Moureu , 19. 8 of 12 races |
LD Autosport RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Pierre Yver , 27. 2 of 12 races |
LD Autosport RaceCar Euro Serie |
Arnaud Chouraki , 31. 2 of 12 races |
K-Ro Formula RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Olivier Fouillat , 36. 2 of 12 races |
Carole Perrin 2 of 12 races |
Arnaud Peyroles , 38. 2 of 12 races |
K-Ro Formula RaceCar Euro Serie |
Carole Perrin , 16. 8 of 12 races 1 Win |
Orhes Team Compétition RaceCar Euro Serie |
Frédéric Bry , 32. 2 of 12 races |
Romain Iannetta , 4. 6 of 12 races |
Jean-Philippe Grenier , 25. 6 of 12 races |
Orhes Team Compétition RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Gérald Cormon , 5. 12 of 12 races 1 Win |
Rapido Racing RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Joaquin Gabarron , 9. 6 of 12 races |
Rapido Racing RaceCar Euro Serie |
Antoine Lioen , 6. 6 of 12 races |
Helary Racing Team RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Tanguy Ide , 4. 12 of 12 races |
Helary Racing Team RaceCar Euro Serie |
Steven Palette , 5. 12 of 12 races |
2010 |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Serie |
Jean-Luc Pocino , 16. 2 of 12 races |
Andre-Alain Corbel , 36. 2 of 12 races |
Olivier Porta , 30. 2 of 12 races |
Lucas Lasserre , 1. 12 of 12 races 3 Wins |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Andre-Alain Corbel , 16. 6 of 12 races |
Eric Quintal , 2. 12 of 12 races 1 Win |
K-Ro Formula RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Olivier Fouillat , 8. 12 of 12 races |
K-Ro Formula RaceCar Euro Serie |
Carole Perrin , 5. 12 of 12 races |
Orhes Team Compétition RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Jean-Philippe Grenier , 25. 2 of 12 races |
Emmanuel Brigand , 1. 8 of 12 races 2 Wins |
Gérald Cormon , 17. 8 of 12 races |
Eric Menini , 23. 4 of 12 races |
Orhes Team Compétition RaceCar Euro Serie |
Joe Schmitz , 33. 2 of 12 races |
Frédéric Bry , 23. 4 of 12 races |
Eric Helary , 2. 8 of 12 races 1 Win |
Gérald Cormon , 15. 4 of 12 races |
Eric Menini , 39. 2 of 12 races |
Philippe Chatelet , 43. 2 of 12 races |
Over Drive RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Romain Fournillier , 4. 12 of 12 races 2 Wins |
Over Drive RaceCar Euro Serie |
Romain Fournillier , 9. 12 of 12 races |
Dog Racing RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Guillaume Roman , 22. 2 of 12 races |
Claude Boueix , 20. 4 of 12 races |
Emmanuel Brigand , 1. 4 of 12 races 1 Win |
Dog Racing RaceCar Euro Serie |
Éric Debard , 24. 2 of 12 races |
David Zollinger , 18. 4 of 12 races |
Eric Helary , 2. 4 of 12 races 1 Win |
Rapido Racing RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
Joaquin Gabarron , 14. 6 of 12 races |
Rapido Racing RaceCar Euro Serie |
Sylvain Gambade , 12. 6 of 12 races |
Tinseau Team RaceCar Euro Serie, Class Open |
William Scavardo , 21. 2 of 12 races |
Tinseau Team RaceCar Euro Serie |
Guillaume Roman , 29. 2 of 12 races |
2009 |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Series, Class Open |
Eric Quintal , 4. 7 of 14 races |
Carré Sports RaceCar Euro Series |
Lucas Lasserre , 1. 7 of 14 races 3 Wins |
Seven Racing RaceCar Euro Series, Class Open |
Gérald Cormon , 13. 6 of 14 races |
Patrick Bigard , 27. 1 of 14 races |
Team Carmine Competition RaceCar Euro Series, Class Open |
Carole Perrin , 6. 7 of 14 races |
LD Autosport RaceCar Euro Series, Class Open |
Fabrice Bect 2 of 14 races |
Carole Perrin , 6. 6 of 14 races 1 Win |
Jean Yves Surteauville , 29. 2 of 14 races |
Alain Iannetta 2 of 14 races |
LD Autosport RaceCar Euro Series |
Éric Debard , 11. 2 of 14 races |
Eric Helary , 8. 2 of 14 races 2 Wins |
Sylvain Noel , 2. 8 of 14 races 2 Wins |