Formula Holden - Season 2002

Formula Holden - Season 2002 Typ 1 Info

previous season: Formel Holden 2001 2001   |    overview of all seasons overview of all seasons   |    2003

Top6 Driver Standings:
Pos Points Driver Nation Photo
1.197Will Power
 7 wins
AustraliaWill Power
2.143Stewart McColl
 3 wins
AustraliaStewart McColl
3.110Peter Hill
 1 win
AustraliaPeter Hill
4.94Christian Murchison
 1 win
AustraliaChristian Murchison
5.88Akihiro Asai JapanAkihiro Asai
6.56Nelson Hartley New ZealandNelson Hartley

vollständige Punktewertung

last Event:
Winton Raceway

18 Aug 2002
(Race 11 of 12)
1. Will Power
2. Akihiro Asai
3. Stewart McColl

18 Aug 2002
(Race 12 of 12)
1. Will Power
2. Tim Leahey
3. Akihiro Asai

Winners of this season

7 wins:
Will Power

3 wins:
Stewart McColl

1 win:
Peter Hill
Christian Murchison

previous season: Formel Holden 2001 2001   |    overview of all seasons overview of all seasons   |    2003